Sunday, October 26, 2014

Life update

 Hello to those who find there way here. I just looked at the dates and saw it has been almost five months sense I have posted anything. For that I am sorry. I have been working such things as  improving my writing skills as well as working on a few  free stories for you to read if you want something to read while you wait for the next book to appear on Amazon.

I will be taking a free online course in writing starting tomorrow and will last a few weeks.

I will be working on a free story for those interested on you can find that story here:

My Author Page  for the books so far on Amazon is:

I think that's it for now. As for what my next book will be is still a mystery. I haven't a clue yet.  But as soon as I do know you will know.  It  will be  something inspirational and soul connecting. I am tossing around my biography on how I overcame the abuses of my past. If that is the book, I will probably also share it with my Out of the shadows of abuse blog as well. But will let ya know if you don't have that link.

 Talk with you all soon.  Definitely sooner then the 5 months   previously seen.

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