Well it's almost the end of the first month in a new year. And I had hoped for a better year, but as of right now it just seems to be the same the only thing that changed was the date. So many things have changed for me in the past 3-4 years. Some good some bad. Some I'm not even sure whether they were both good and bad.
This year instead of resolutions I was going to choose a word and have my life circle that word, to make it a proactive instead or reactive. It was going to be intend. Or intention. Not sure which yet. But instead it is turning out to be the word Angry, at everything and especially my man. And that was not my intention. I love him, but lately it seems everything he does or says sets me off and I don't know why. I now I'm going through menopause and that could be it. And if it is I would like to get things resolved.
If anyone who reads this can relate let me know. I could use some advice. I will be seeing my doctor soon, but not soon enough. Right now I feel alone.
As for reading and posting every Friday. Well I am still reading, but posting about what I have done will be scattered. In fact, since I last posted I have changed books four or five different times... Much like my writing I read for or five books at once. Or change up when I get bored with the one I am currently reading. So I have changed up. I read a chapter a book. That way I wonder stop reading it.
How do you handle reading when the book gets boring to you:???
Til Next Time.
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