Sunday, April 3, 2011

A rededication to God and His will for my life

Connecting with my soul led me to rededicate my life to Jesus and to become a member of Metropolitan Baptist Church today 4/2/11. Due to bible studies and scripture readings over the last week, I was led to rededicate my life to Jesus and to deny my life and follow Christ. So today as I walked into Church I spoke with my pastor and told him what I wish to do. He smiled and told me when it was time to welcome those who wanted to share a testimony or become baptized then come on down and he'd do that. I was so excited – and a bit nervous. Nervous only because I don't like drawing attention to me or public speaking. But this was something Jesus continued to call me to do.

I sat there during the service and because today was communion not only was I rededicating my life heart body and soul again to serve God the best way I could but I was going to get to back it up with communion. Haw awesome was that?!

Finally it was time and I was urged by a friend I made at church who was in the Sunday school class I was in. I walked up and was greeted by the deacons and soon the Sunday school teacher Ms McMertrey the and another woman I had come to know. They took information and then came the pastor. Before long I was giving the testimony that led to my decision. I took the mic and began.

“I was baptized when I was in third grade but grew up in a home of abuse. God was there seeing I was safe and eventually sent a woman who listened and helped me out of that life and away from the abuse. Then I married a man who not only did not believe in God, which I was not aware of until a few years and two children later, but believed in Satan. Then he began abusing me however I knew God was with me as I read scripture and prayed for help. Now out of that relationship God has given me a ministry and I am helping others through abuse to heal and into safety. So today I rededicate my life to God and better serve Him.”

The mic was handed back to the Pastor and he said the best way to heal myself was to help others and then said if there was anything they could do to help me help others to let him and the others know. Then he introduced me as a new member of the church and soon I was able to go back to my seat. After services a woman came up and told me they had a group on Saturday that was along the lines of what I had talked about. As well as a deacon telling me of a new beginners class that was at the same time mine was if I was interested. I thanked him and before long I was on my way home.

I now look forward to see what God has in line for me as I embark on my new life that is now more focused on God and His Will in my life.


  1. have had a big weekend! I will pray for God to continue to work in you and through you. May the God of Hope fill joy and peace in believing by the power of His holy spirit. (Romans 15:13)

  2. I am sitting here by myself in my hotel room after a full day of speaking, in my jammies, at 10:00 at night ... teary-eyed and praising God after reading this post.

    Like Debbie, I will pray for God to continue to work in you and through you.

    Sweet blessings ~ Rachel
